Red FoxFoxes are seen as power animals / totems throughout the world. The Chinese believed foxes could take human form. In Egypt the fox brought favour from the gods. There was a fox god in Peru. Foxes aid the dead get to the next life in Persia. The Cherokees, Hopi and various other Native American Indian tribes believed in its healing power, the Apache credited the fox with giving man fire.

Fox is amongst the most uniquely skilled and ingenious animals of nature. Being a night creature, fox is often imbued with supernatural powers. Foxes are usually seen at dawn and dusk. Dusk starts off their day, and the dawn is its ending. This is the time, when the world of magic and our every day realities cross paths. Foxes live on the edges of forests and open lands, the border areas. As fox is an animal of the between times and places, it can be a guide into the faerie realm. Fox has a long past of magic and cunning associated with it. It can move in and out of circumstance restoring order or causing confusion, depending on the occasion.

Mountain FoxThere are various species of fox, but they all share the extreme cleverness and cunning that paved the way for the expression, “sly as a fox.” Fox urges us to develop the art of camouflage, invisibility, and shape shifting. They are agile, skilled, and unpredictable.

Fox’s power lies in not being able to outrun the hounds, but to know in advance when they will be out hunting. They then use their ability to camouflage. When we learn to detach from our surroundings and to use all our senses to be observant, we will also be able to anticipate and create the future. A fox being followed by hounds will run across the tops of walls, cross streams diagonally, double back on its trail, run in circles – in short, do anything to break the trail of its scent. Fox has the amazing ability to outwit both predators and prey. Fox shows us how to slip out of unpleasant situations quietly and unnoticed. Those with fox as a spirit guide are frequently smart and witty but must remember to keep their crafty and clever demeanour balanced or it could backfire. 285156_189250471136268_4536794_n-1Fox can also show you that your actions may be too obvious and the need to learn to be more discreet. Fox is a wise, potent, teacher for those who choose to live conscious and deliberate lives.

Due to their ability to blend into their surroundings, foxes are generally viewed as sly and cunning beings. Calling someone foxy is not always paying them a compliment.

Interestingly, the word cunning, originates in the Old English word, kenning, which means to know, especially as applied to seeing something which isn’t visible straight away. This can be related to the fox’s superb sight and their ability to anticipate. Fox can show us the skills necessary when it comes to handling people. The ability to camouflage can be deduced as being able to take a step back and view an interpersonal situation with detachment. This includes opening up the less obvious senses, such as intuition.

Snow FoxOften the underlying basis of a situation may seem obvious, but instead of making a quick judgment, listen closely to the outer and inner senses. Then you may perhaps get a completely different picture of what is going on. When the outer situation and the inner senses don’t match it is wise to handle like a Fox, to trust ones intuition/instinct/inner voice, and to lay low.

Just like the wolf, the fox partner’s for life, and is very devoted to its young. Many of its clever hunting techniques are keyed to acquire food for the helpless young and the nursing vixen. This is am important element of the foxes power. Similarly, our own awareness, and flexibility can be used to greater ends, not just to serve ourselves.

Fox’s Wisdom Includes: cleverness, observational skills, cunning, stealth, camouflage, feminine, courage, ability to observe unseen, persistence, gentleness, swiftness, wisdom, reliable friend, magic, shape shifting, invisibility…

Snow FoxFox can teach us to control our auras so we are more able to live in harmony with the world and others.

If fox is your power animal, learning to be invisible is very important in your life. Picture yourself blending in with your surroundings, becoming part of everything. Be extremely still and quiet. With practice and patience you will be able to go unnoticed even at a party or in a crowd. Fox also teaches good eating habits, as they eat small portions frequently.

If fox is your power animal, pay attention to the way it moves and follow its lead. This is a powerful guide to have and those that have it to should learn to use its skills for the benefit of all, including themselves.


Additional perspectives and cultural viewpoints on the fox animal meanings are as follows:

In China, fox animal symbolism revolved around the afterlife. Lore has it that a fox sighting was thought to be a signal from the spirits of the deceased.

Overwhelmingly, cultural consensus on fox animal symbolism deals with:

Red Fox• cunning

• strategy

• quick-thinking

• adaptability

• cleverness

• wisdom

Fox animal symbolism takes a turn of intelligence in the Celtic realm, as the Celts believed the fox to be a guide, and was honored for its wisdom. The Celts understood the fox knows the woods intimately, and they would rely upon the fox as their guide in the spirit world.

In Japan, the fox was considered one of the rain spirits, and a messenger of Inari the rice god. Here the fox also symbolizes longevity and protection from evil.

In Native American lore, fox animal symbolism deals with two interpretations. One perspective (Northern tribes) observes the fox as a wise and noble messenger. The other (Plains tribes) views the fox as a trickster playing pranks, or worse – luring one to demise.

Other generalized fox symbolic meanings deal with

Red Fox• focus

• determination

• right-action

It is noteworthy to observe the fox while it is on the hunt. We see its entire body is pointed like an arrow – straight and tightly aimed. This is a symbolic message for us to set a determined, and powerfully focused mindset in order to “hit the target” of our desires. The red in the fox is representative of a solar emblem. As a solar emblem the fox animal symbolism deals with:

Red Fox• passion

• desire

• intensity

• expression

The fox encourages us to think outside of the box and use our intelligence in different, creative ways. The fox also brings us a message to try to approach our circumstances differently than we normally would. Be aware of some of our habits, and try a different angle of action. The fox also is a reminder that we must utilize all of our resources (seen and unseen) in order to accomplish our goals.


Furthermore, the fox is a sign to be mindful of our surroundings.

Immaculate shapeshifters and incredibly adaptable, the fox beckons us to not make too many waves but rather, adapt to our surroundings, and use our surroundings (and circumstances) to our advantage.

Red Fox


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